Optimise the performance of your Board of Directors. Our expertise in Board Members Search and Board Advisory helps you shape the right vision and strategy from the top

Optimize Your Board’s Performance: Strengthen and Diversify Skills to Anticipate Challenges and Seize Emerging Opportunities

Small and medium-sized businesses, public institutions, non-governmental organizations and foundations rely on the experience of their board members, their vision and analysis to bring their organization upwards.

A proven methodology
We identify people with the right skills or encourage managers to move from an operational to a board level.

Team and individual assessments
A special attention is paid to the potential synergies between board members and management. Interpersonal skills are a crucial subject for the proper functioning of a board.

Inclusion purposefully
We not only focus on the balance of skills, but also on the gender, generation, and cultural balance.

Succession planning
In order to determine precisely the required profiles to complete the current team, we support you in drafting a succession plan and balancing the existing and future strengths needed.